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CHAPTERS-1-2-3-4-GVR-MSU_GVR-MSU.qxd  3/9/2015  10:35 πμ  Page 8

               Chapter 1                   Vocabulary in Action

                                                          Describing character
                      Exercise A

                      Look at the adjectives on the left and: a) decide if they have a P (positive) or
                      N (negative) connotation,  b) match the adjectives with their definitions.

                  N  P
                  T    A stingy           3     1 friendly and pleasant
                  T    B shifty           7     2 active and full of life
                    T  C loyal           10     3 not generous especially with money
                    T  D trustworthy      16    4 unwilling to change one's mind
                    T  E sensible         8     5 giving orders in an annoying way
                    T  F sensitive        13    6 studious and hardworking
                    T  G amiable          1     7 looking dishonest and unreliable
                  T    H stubborn         4     8 reasonable and practical
                    T   I modest         15     9 boring, not bright
                  T    J  bossy           5     10 faithful to people, principles, or one's country

                  T    K selfish         11     11 being mainly concerned with oneself
                    T  L  charming       12     12 being attractive and pleasant
                  T    M fussy            14    13 a easily hurt

                                                   b showing understanding to feelings or problems
                    T  N lively           2     14 difficult to please, easily causing trouble over unimportant things
                  T    O dull             9     15 one who avoids talking proudly about one’s abilities or qualities
                    T  P diligent         6     16 one you can rely on or trust

                       Exercise B

                      Circle the adjective that best fits each sentence.
                       1. Despite his wealth he is too          to give to the needy.
                            a dull          b diligent    c stingy      d loyal
                       2. She had a          look that couldn't be easily trusted.
                            a shifty        b sensible    c sensitive   d charming
                       3. The party was          ; in fact, it was a letdown.
                            a amiable       b dull        c bossy       d charming
                       4. She's so          that she'll listen to no advice.
                            a trustworthy   b modest      c lively      d stubborn
                       5. John is          about his food. If it is not cooked just right, he won't eat it.
                            a stubborn      b dull        c fussy       d modest
                       6. Although Mr. Rankine is over eighty, he has got a          personality.
                            a lively        b reasonable   c practical   d faithful
                       7. Samantha never thinks of others; she acts purely out of          motives.
                            a pleasant      b boring      c selfish     d unreliable
                       8. Julian is a(n)          young man. He won't have any problem with his final exams.
                            a enjoyable     b diligent    c bossy       d attractive
                       9. People are becoming more and more          to ecological problems.
                            a sensitive     b trustworthy   c diligent   d boring
                      10. She was very          in the way she dealt with the dangerous situation.
                            a sensitive     b sensible    c stingy      d amiable
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12